Monday, September 19, 2011

10 day "you" challenge

10 secrets:
1. When I am nervous I constantly touch my face or I play with my hair
2. My least favorite chore is dishes, I'll cook all day long and clean up things as I go but I usually leave a sink full of dishes.
3. Not only do I let my dog sleep with me but he sleeps under the covers with me
4. I can't sleep if I know there is a bug that is not dead, aka escaped my wrath, in my room
5. I like to bake sweets more than I like to eat them
6. I am borderline obsessed with Dr. Pepper, I have 2-3 a day.
7. My shoe size has actually decreased by almost a whole size since high school
8. I place my worth intellectually on my grades, trying to get away from this.
9. Although I travel quite a bit and I want to see so much more in this world, I can't wait to settle down in the country somewhere.
10. I eat pixie sticks with the paper wrapper, yes and swallow them.

Thanks Lori Williams for giving me this idea, now we'll be doing this on the same days!

1 comment:

  1. wait, you eat the wrapper of a pixie stick?!

    i knew most of these :)

    and i am not doing mine in a row since i have my link up posts... but i will spread them out a little :)
