1. Drink more water. As many of you know I have a love affair with Dr. Pepper that runs very deep but I am trying to drink more water and not drink as many DP's.
2. Start Running - I know I won't run daily and I know I don't need to run to lose weight but I want to be healthier and to make myself more disciplined. It's about me learning to work through the pain of it. So hopefully when I move to Charleston there will be some decent running trails.
Just a little inspirational quote I found =)
3. Pray daily- I know this should have been on the top of my list but I guess I tend to gravitate towards the same forms of prayer and I really am looking to broaden that by reading spiritual books, praying the rosary, spending time in adoration, and of delving into sacred scripture. As much as I profess that God is a daily part of my life, I can always learn more about Him and strengthen my relationship with Him.
4. Laugh more- I have realized even in the past 3 years that I have not had a good belly laugh in a long time. I am not sure if my humor as changed or if I have just turned cynical; I am really hoping it's the first! I have always had a positive outlook on life but it seems that lately life has been all about getting things done but not really enjoying them. I want to laugh daily and to live my life with a heart of a child.
Laughter really is the best medicine
5. Love more- not just loving in the "eros" sense as finding a soul mate but in "agape" which is unconditional love. I will be working with a new patient population and I will be dealing with all types of people. I want to be able to love people where they are at but also challenge them as a form of love too. I consider it to not have been a productive day if I have not told someone how much they mean to me or that I care about that. After what I went through last year with my break up, I have been somewhat hesistant to put myself out there again but I am in no rush to find anyone. God definitely knows best and He will provide the man that He has designed for me when He sees fit. So I plan on giving til it hurts. A wonderful quote by Mother Teresa: "I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love."
Remember that everyone is made in the image and likeness of God therefore everyone deserves to be loved...
Hope everyone has had a wonderful New Year so far! Here's to 2012, let's make it great!
this is a great list. totally do-able :) I'm so excited for you. i just know charleston has so much in store for you :)