Growing up there was always Amy, Clare, and I. God sisters, best friends, Clare and I are cousins, and Amy, "the farm girl" and us farm girl wannabe's. Come to think of it I never even noticed our names have the first 3 letters of the alphabet. I heard the song "Blessings" come on this morning on my way to work before I called Ben to do the daily reading and reflection. I specifically listened to the entire song before I called him because I felt like it was something I needed to hear this morning. I have been struggling lately with not being able to be at home while some of my friends have been going through some life changing happy events. I have two close friends who are expecting children and two other close friends who are engaged to be married and I am part of their wedding parties. I see so many things going on that I feel like I'm missing. When I heard that song this morning I realized that blessings come in so many forms. Even though sometimes I have been struggling lately with so many life changes for myself I have to sit back and take everything in. God would not give me more than I could handle and to whom much is given, much is expected. I never thought I would be living on the west coast, I never though I'd meet such a wonderful Christ like man and I didn't think I'd miss Augusta. Although I probably miss the people more than I miss the weather, it is still home no matter what way you look at it.
Coming back to Amy, Clare, and I... I feel so fortunate to have gotten to talk to them both today. I have so many good memories with them and even though I'm further away than I've ever been, I can't wait to make so many more. The other cool part of hearing the song "Blessings" today was that I also heard it again first thing on my way home from work. It was just a personal sign from God to me that I need to count my blessings and realize that He is doing so much good in my life and I just have to look for it. So many things that we can say are unfortunate or difficult can be counted as blessings because they help us to grow internally out of our own self and grown into the person God created us to be. There are so many blessings in my life that I have failed to recognize but today I recognized the gift of friendship, no matter how far, with my two best friends. "All for one, and one for all"
P.S. Here is the a link to the song I mentioned in the blog. dear friend. How beautiful you are, as a pure white lily:) I love you so much Bridge, and though we are miles and mountains apart, I know our hearts are always close. I'm proud of you! You are trusting in God, and YOU are being an example for me as you keep your face turned to Him in gratitude. Way to go! Thanks for your address---Birthday greetings coming soon! :)
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to comment....Clare! you are not in the middle! Way to go:)