I had gone to visit my brother, sister in law, and my niece for 5 days starting last Wednesday. They live in Brooklyn, NY and as much as people would like to say you went to NYC... I really didn't go into the city at all until I was on my way back to the airport. I have been to NYC quite a few times and the nostalgia has somewhat worn off, also when you're broke it keeps you from traveling anywhere with lots of clothing stores! I stayed in Brooklyn for the majority of the trip, and still there is plenty to do. It is also harder for my brother and sister in law to tote their 14 month old daughter around NYC, especially when it starts to coincide with her nap times. We went to the park, a few times actually, went out to brunch, hung around the house and made some delicious dishes. I also had the opportunity to meet up with my friend, Gali, who was in the US visiting from Israel. I met her on study abroad in Italy during my undergraduate degree at GCSU. We went and ate at a wonderful French restaurant, Moutarde, that is featured in Julie & Julia.

no I didn't take this picture but I only brought a card home from the restaurant, I
was enjoying the place too much to take pictures.
And then we went and walked around Prospect park in Brooklyn before parting ways, I really need to go visit her in Israel. I love having friends from other countries! It means I always have places to go visit!
Picture of us in front of Columbus circle in Brooklyn
We opted for the old camera timer instead of finding a person
Never know when someone will run off with your camera!
I had a great time spending time with my brother and sister in law, we cooked a lot of different things- potato skins, my aunt nogc ahn's infamous egg rolls, and an awesome blossom. Don't worry pictures will follow after I'm done writing. I really do love the area they live in, Brooklyn is a great neighborhood and a nice alternative to Manhattan. I considered looking for jobs there but I don't know if this southern girl is ready for the big city yet. What I do know is that I love going to visit and it makes it so much more enjoyable since I have family there. My brother and sister-in-law are actually moving to a new apartment 2 blocks from where they are living now which will give them more, much needed, space with their growing family. So blessed to be able to visit them while I am still job searching, until next time... I'll be having my Georgia State of Mind.
Emma and I sharing lunch at the park in their Neighborhood
Playing at the park
Having a great time on the carousel in Prospect park
My sister in law, Maddy, Emma and I at the wigwam replica
My brother Joel, his wife Maddy, and Emma- beautiful family
Me frying up some eggrolls! Before I burned myself with the hot grease...
AND NOW ONTO THE FOOD!!!! (sorry these are not "light" foods)
Potato Skins with Bacon and Onion
My Aunt Nogc Ahn's Eggrolls
Awesome Blossom
Hope you enjoyed all the pictures! +AMDG+