Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Under the Weather

   You literally could not ask for more beautiful weather here in Charleston and I have been stuck inside for the last 3 days suffering from some sort of beastly cold/laryngitis/bronchitis combination. I am pretty grateful that this is the 1st upper respiratory infection I've had in over a year. I am used to having them 2-3 times yearly, seems that working in healthcare makes it is unavoidable. I work with immunocompromised patients and they tend to get bugs that the normal population is able to fend off.

   As soon as I stepped foot in a regular physician's office last week for an orthopedic appointment, the next morning I woke up with what I thought was allergies. Then over the weekend it escalated to a full blown epidemic. I've unfortunately had to stay home every day this week so far; I can't see patients because I may get them sick and I also have no voice to be able to talk to them anyways.

  I've been trying a bunch of different home remedies but now I've resorted to antibiotics. It is funny how people think because I can prescribe medications that I can call myself in medications. This is not the case. I happened to have some antibiotics from a previous illness that I am using. Number one rule of antibiotics is always to take them til they are gone, and I admit that practitioners are some of the worst patients. I seriously dislike tea which seems to be the remedy everyone is pushing on me, so I got honey lemon green tea and added more honey, more lemon and sugar to make it go down. I hope this at least helps my voice so I can go back to work tomorrow.

  Although these few days off have given me a chance to pack up my apartment some more. I am moving to a larger apartment in the same complex and I am getting a room mate. I do like living alone but I am all for saving some money and getting out of my debt quicker. She is a new graduate from interior design school and I can't wait to live vicariously through her, because interior design was what I wanted to do if I didn't go into medicine. We'll move at the end of the month and I'm trying to wrap my head around how much stuff I have accumulated in the last 1.5 years.

  I am going to go back to watching one of my favorite movies, "Everafter," drink my tea, and pack up more of my apartment. Happy Spring time, enjoy it for me!